Lifesaving Training

Interested in continuing to develop your stroke, learning rescue skills or becoming a lifeguard? The Lifesaving Society provides a fun and challenging progression of lifesaving training programs.

Develop your stroke, learn rescue skills, and become a lifeguard

The Lifesaving Society provides a fun and challenging progression of lifesaving training programs.

Our Lifesaving Society Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross courses for swimmers 13 years of age and up and National Lifeguard Service program can enable you to achieve your goals.

Lifesaving Instructors teach and certify candidates. The Lifesaving Society deems its certifications to be “current” for 24 months from the certification date.

National Lifeguard certification is the Canadian industry standard to work as a lifeguard.

Lifesaving Training Programs

Bronze Star and Basic First Aid

Bronze Star is an introductory course to the Lifesaving Society Bronze program that develops swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness. Candidates will learn self rescue skills, refine their stroke techniques, and apply fitness principles in training workouts. Basic First Aid content is taught, including how to contact emergency medical services, rescue breathing, how to treat choking and minor injuries.

This course provides preparation for the Bronze Medallion course. Additionally, successful candidates who are not yet 13 (the minimum prerequisite age for Bronze Medallion) will be able to use their Bronze Star certification as a prerequisite for Bronze Medallion


None (Swim Patrol or Sharks Level 7/8 recommended)

Winter 2025 Session (January 17 to March 21)

Fridays, 4:15 pm to 5:45 pm

*No lessons on holidays: February 15 to 17 (Family Day weekend)

Course Fee


Winter Registration

Winter Registration opens November 27 at 10:00 am. If you have any questions, please contact the Recreation Supervisor at, or call 416‑598‑3444 ext. 228.

Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid with CPR-B

This special course includes Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid with CPR-B.

Bronze Medallion challenges participants both mentally and physically. Judgement, knowledge, skill, and fitness – the four components of water rescue – form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. The focus is on acquiring the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on, and around the water. Students will learn how to Safely assess an emergency situation and respond appropriately.

Bronze Medallion is a prerequisite for assistant lifeguard training in Bronze Cross.


Minimum 13 years of age or Bronze Star certification (does not need be current)

Winter 2025 Session (January 19 to March 23)

  • Sundays, 10:15 am to 1:00 pm
  • Exam on March 23 (attendance is mandatory)

*No lessons on holidays: February 15 to 17 (Family Day weekend)

Course Fee

(Optional: Additional $50 for course materials)

Winter Registration

Winter Registration opens November 27 at 10:00 am. If you have any questions, please contact the Recreation Supervisor at, or call 416‑598‑3444 ext. 228.

Bronze Cross

This course begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as assistant lifeguards. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and start to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies.

Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for advanced training in the Lifesaving Society’s National Lifeguard and leadership certification programs.


  • 14 years of age at time of exam day
  • Bronze Medallion and Lifesaving Society Emergency or Standard First Aid certifications (need not be current) or EFA or SFA from one of the approved agencies.

Winter 2025 Session (January 19 to March 23)

  • Sundays, 10:15 am to 1:00 pm
  • Exam on March 23 (attendance is mandatory)

*No lessons on holidays: February 15 to 17 (Family Day weekend)

Course Fee


Winter Registration

Winter Registration opens November 27 at 10:00 am. If you have any questions, please contact the Recreation Supervisor at, or call 416‑598‑3444 ext. 228.

Agency Membership Fees: In addition to program fees, an annual Agency Membership ($25 plus HST per year) is required for all individuals participating in swim lessons and courses at University Settlement.

Allan’s Story —“…University Settlement has given me opportunities to grow as a musician and swimmer, but more importantly, as a person…”

We’ve watched Allan Zhou, now an eleventh grader, for the past 10 years, taking both music and swimming lessons and advancing wonderfully in both.

His violin lessons, under Alex Cheung’s tutelage, have allowed him to participate in musical extracurriculars throughout high school and he has assumed greater responsibility at the Music and Arts School of the University Settlement as a music scholar. During his journey with the school, he has been awarded numerous scholarships, the most recent being the Shiu Shum Lo Memorial Award.

Allan also started swimming lessons at University Settlement when he was six. By age 10, he was part of the Settlement Sharks swim team, where he competed for two years. He went on to earn his National Lifeguard and Lifesaving Society Instructor qualifications. “I really looked up to the lifeguards when I was a kid. My time on the team developed my confidence and interest in aquatics,” shared Allan. He is also currently working as a part-time lifeguard and swim instructor at University Settlement.

“University Settlement has given me opportunities to grow as a musician and swimmer, but more importantly, as a person. Through University Settlement, I have developed critical skills for learning and leadership that have translated into success in academic and extracurricular activities. I would like to thank the University Settlement for providing me with opportunities and support for my growth, and I hope I can give back what it has given to me.”
– Allan Zhou

Help Us Make A Difference

When you give to University Settlement, you make it possible for us to provide aquatics programs for students of all ages, like Allan.

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